the age of ai in
advisor marketing is here...

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coming online
march 31st, 2024

(Opt-In Below to Be Among the First to Gain Access!)

AI Marketing Strategies For 2024

As an advisor, the key to success, profitable growth and scale really comes down to 1 thing…


Predictably and consistently generating new qualified appointments.


Without appointments, this business is stressful at best. It’s no secret that the number 1 reason advisors fail out of the business is the inability to get in front of qualified prospects consistently.


In fact, according to Wealth Management Metrics, a staggering


“93% of wealth managers fail to grow their practice because of a lack of consistent new, qualified appointments” (Source: Wealth Management Metrics)


But that’s about to change.


Discover the top 7 AI Powered Marketing Strategies advisors are using right now to generate more leads, convert more appointments and increase marketing efficiency and ROI.


(And no, this is not about teaching you how to use Chat GPT)


Instead, we’re going to be sharing with you the first ever industry trained AI.


You’ll Learn How to Leverage This Industry Trained AI To:


  • Increase Your Seminar Attendance and Eliminate No Shows!

  • Follow Up and Convert Seminar Attendees Into Appointments… Without Ever Picking Up The Phone

  • Qualify Leads and Appointments, Eliminating Wasted Time With Unqualified Prospects

  • Fully Automate Your Appointment Generation From Initial Inquiry to Booking

  • Increasing Your Appointment Stick Rate (No More Getting Ghosted by Prospects)

  • Convert Past Prospects and Old Leads Into New Qualified Appointments, Without Cold Calling!

be among the first to gain access
to this ground breaking technology

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