Next Level Advisors

High Net Worth Clients Are Among The Most Underserved Market in the Industry…

discover what they want most and how to position yourself to thrive in the high net worth market!

Our 3 Proprietary methods for gaining trust,
establishing credibility and engaging high net worth clients


The Alignment Conversation™

How to Establish Instant Trust and Connection With High Net Worth Prospects By Having The Conversation They Want Most


Multi-Generational Planning

How to Engage the Next Generation and Increase Retention of Assets




The Virtual Family Office

How to Deliver All of the Services High Net Worth Clients Want From You By Leveraging Strategic Alliances

What You're Going to get!

The fastest path to scale

As an advisor there are really only 2 paths to scale…


1) You can spend more, sell more, and service more and more clients (volume) 


2) You can work with higher net worth clients, close much larger cases, and significantly increase your average revenue per client (high margin).

Which Business Would You Rather Own?  


I’m guessing larger case sizes and fewer clients.


Then why are you still playing small?  


Working every Tuesday and Thursday night, buying dinners for unqualified prospects, earning just enough to pay off the seminar, and maybe take home a small profit. 


It’s a very tough model to scale without burning out.


So what’s keeping you from working with the high net worth clients you really want to work with?

It’s simple – false beliefs.


Have you ever said any of the following?

“I don’t know enough to work with High Net Worth clients”

“High Net Worth clients already have all their needs taken care of”

“High Net Worth clients want to work with large institutions”

“High Net Worth Clients don’t respond to traditional marketing”


If you’ve ever said or thought any of the above, you’re not alone.


And it’s not your fault either…


… the truth is the industry as a whole has done a poor job of providing you with the tools and resources you need to be successful in this market.


Here’s The TRUTH About The High Net Worth Market:

  • – They don’t have all their planning needs taken care of
  • – 90% of the planning being done for HNW clients fails
  • – They don’t know more about planning than you do
  • – They don’t have large teams of advisors taking care of them
  • – And they are actually one of the most UNDERSERVED markets in the US


The high net worth clients want and need help… 


… they just aren’t sure where to find the kind of help they are looking for.


But that’s about to change.


The good news is, after having worked in the high net worth market for the past 28 years, working with countless multi-millionaires, (and even a few billionaires along the way), I can tell you that succeeding in the high net worth market is much much easier than you realize.


There Are Really Only 3 Concepts You Need to Learn to Excel in This Market:

  2. 1) The Alignment Conversation™ 
  3. How to Establish Instant Trust and Connection With High Net Worth Prospects By Having The Conversation They Want Most
  2. 2) Multi-Generational Planning 
  3. How to Engage the Next Generation and Increase Retention of Assets
  2. 3) The Virtual Family Office 
  3. How to Deliver All of the Services High Net Worth Clients Want From You By Leveraging Strategic Alliances

All of these you can easily learn and implement – you just need someone to teach them to you!

On this training I’m going to accelerate your learning curve by sharing with you what I’ve learned the hard way, having investing over 28 years working with HNW clients.  


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