As a financial advisor, you’re probably always looking to grow your business and take it to the next level. However, the way most advisors try to scale their business is through a very narrow funnel or sales process. This usually involves sending out thousands of mailers, getting a few people to register for seminars, and then closing a handful of new clients. While this may seem like a viable strategy, it’s not sustainable in the long run and can lead to burnout.
The problem with this approach is that it’s a short-term strategy that can only generate results today. There are simply not enough prospects in your market who are interested in doing business right away to scale your business using this method. Additionally, this approach is extremely cost and labor-intensive, which can lead to misery and burnout.
To truly scale your practice and achieve the work-life balance you desire, you need to stop thinking about scaling by just spending more money. The direct mail vendors, Facebook vendors, and wholesalers may tell you to just send more mail or do more seminars, but this will not lead to sustainable growth.
While seminars have their place, you cannot scale a seven-figure practice on seminars alone. To shift up to second, third, fourth, and fifth gear, you need to implement completely different strategies that are not seminars. This involves adding a whole new layer to your marketing and sales strategy, which we’ll talk about more throughout this course.
The key takeaway for financial advisors is that to truly scale your business, you need to do something completely different. You cannot continue to do more of the same and expect different results. By implementing new strategies and shifting up gears, you can achieve sustainable growth and the work-life balance you desire. So, instead of just throwing more money at the same old strategies, it’s time to think outside the box and try something new.