Old School vs. New School Marketing

As a financial advisor, you want to attract and close clients. However, it’s essential to understand that not all prospects are ready to do business today. Consumers go through a natural buying process that starts with becoming aware that they have a need. They begin doing research and evaluating different options before engaging with potential contractors who could help them.

Traditionally, financial advisors have been taught to close any prospect they talk to, regardless of where they are in the buying process. However, the new school way is to understand that consumers want to go through a self-education process. Everyone has a smart device, and the internet has made information readily available to anyone, anytime, anywhere. As a result, people are researching and forming opinions long before they’re ready to engage with you.

The goal is to engage with prospects in a sales conversation before they’re ready to come in for an appointment. The best way to do this is to create a content marketing funnel that begins with blogs, white papers, and case studies for those just starting to do homework. You can offer webinars or online video courses for those who want more information. All of this should lead to your seminar, appointment process, or virtual selling process.

It’s essential to understand that you don’t want people who aren’t ready to come in for a first appointment because it can lead to multiple appointments, and they still won’t be ready. Creating systems and content that educate your prospects will ensure that you’re only meeting with people who already have a sense of what you’re about and understand your planning methodologies, strategies, and services.

In summary, the old school way of closing clients doesn’t work in today’s market. Instead, focus on creating a content marketing funnel that educates your prospects, so you’re only meeting with those who are ready to do business with you. This new school way of attracting and closing clients will lead to a more efficient and effective sales process.

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