Next Level Markets

What You're Going To Learn

How to escape the oversaturated dinner seminar market, and tap into the blue ocean of the women’s market.
Why doubling or tripling the number of seminars you run, or mailers you send will not scale, and what we did instead to increase our seminar attendance by 313%!
The appointment close I developed that generated 419 first appointments in a single year!
The 3 secrets to our success that helped scale from $280k per year to over $3.2M in less than 3 years!

Next Level Markets – Women
Arwen is a Financial Adviser, National Speaker, Author of ‘She Handled It, So Can You!’ and Co-Owner of Becker Retirement Group. After years of struggling to generate leads consistently, Arwen took over the marketing and seminars in their practice and directed their focus to reaching women.
In her first full year of giving women’s seminars Arwen single handedly generated 419 appointments, keeping their 4 full time wealth advisors busy seeing clients as she went on to grow the firm to $3.2 Million in annual revenue and a profit margin of 52%!