Free Lesson Series For Financial Advisors
Financial Advisor Development Programs Created by elite 7-figure advisors
Learn radio from the man who trained your competition
Lesson 1: Why radio is one of the most powerful lead generation strategies available.
Lesson 2: How to generate unlimited leads from a radio program.
Lesson 3: 4 core radio skills that allow you to master radio and gain credibility.
Lesson 4: How to get your radio program funded by other professionals
Breaking Into The $20T Women's Market
Lesson 1: Why the women’s market is the next “blue ocean” market for Financial Advisors
Lesson 2: How to stop competing with every other advisor for the same market
Lesson 3: Skip Facebook and Mailers – Learn Arwen’s referral program to fill seminars for cheap!
Lesson 4: These are the big myths surrounding women’s events that prevent growth
Discover the marketing strategies 7-figure advisors use to scale
Lesson 1: How to hold your marketing vendors accountable for driving real results.
Lesson 2: How to squeeze every bit of value from your direct mail campaigns
Lesson 3: Why “spend more” doesn’t work, and what you can do instead.
Lesson 4: Learn the 5 biggest mistakes advisors make with their marketing.
The 2023 seminar that converts half of attendees into first appointments
Lesson 1: Learn the “new school” strategies and tactics for attracting seminar attendees.
Lesson 2: Stop doing dinner seminars and focus on educational courses.
Lesson 3: How to position yourself and establish your credibility.
Lesson 4: How to create emotional engagement so your prospects take action.