Accessing High Net Worth Clients

By Rod Zeeb

As a financial advisor, accessing high net worth clients is crucial to your business success. But how do you do it? In this transcript, an attorney-turned-estate-planning-advisor shares his experience of how he accessed high net worth clients.

Starting as a real estate agent, the advisor did tax-deferred exchanges and helped clients avoid capital gains tax. However, when one of his real estate clients died, he realized that the estate tax was a much bigger problem that needed solving.

He then became an estate planning attorney and went back to his old real estate clients who all had the same issue. They all had high net worth, but no liquidity to pay for the estate tax. By identifying this common problem among his market of business owners and real estate owners, he found an opportunity to serve their needs.

The advisor’s approach was to work with his first client and then use his satisfied client to introduce him to their high net worth friends. This strategy worked because high net worth clients trust themselves and their friends more than any professional.

As the advisor worked with one high net worth client, they would introduce him to another client with a higher net worth. This process continued, and soon the advisor had built a clientele of ultra-high net worth individuals.

So, the key to accessing high net worth clients is to find a problem that they all share and serve their needs. Then, use satisfied clients to introduce you to their friends. Remember, high net worth clients trust their friends more than any professional, so building relationships with them is crucial.

In conclusion, if you are looking to access high net worth clients, start by identifying their common problems and how you can help solve them. Building a relationship with one high net worth client can open doors to other ultra-high net worth clients. High net worth clients trust their friends more than professionals, so use satisfied clients to introduce you to their friends.

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