Educational Branding

As a financial advisor, you are likely well aware of the importance of branding your practice. 

However, have you considered the importance of educational branding? In a recent lesson, a speaker emphasized the differences between branding your financial practice and branding an educational event. They explained that maintaining a separate brand for educational purposes is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the educational process.

The speaker, from Retirement Wealth Academy, explained that their educational events are separate from their financial practice. They have two signs by the door, one for Retirement Wealth Academy and one for their practice, Patriot Wealth. This separation ensures that anyone entering the office for a financial lab knows that what they are going through is part of the Academy and has nothing to do with the practice. This reassures potential clients that this isn’t a bait-and-switch scenario.

During the financial lab process, they gather data in Financial Lab One and do analysis discovery in Financial Lab Two. It is at the apex of Financial Lab Two where they decide if they need help and ask for it. At this point, the speaker makes it clear that if they want to work with them, they will be acting under the auspices of Patriot Wealth. This transition is done with full disclosure and is not a bait-and-switch.

The speaker emphasizes that having a separate educational brand is essential for maintaining integrity in the educational process. They suggest that financial advisors keep their educational brand separate from their practice to set themselves apart from other advisors in their area. It is essential to maintain this separation so that students understand that you are not there to sell them something. The courses should be purely educational events, and any name brand products or strategies discussed should be generic in nature and only used as tools to solve a particular issue.

In summary, as a financial advisor, it is crucial to understand the importance of educational branding. Maintaining a separate brand for educational purposes is essential for maintaining the integrity of the educational process. It is not necessary to create another company; it comes with the entire package. The key is to keep the integrity of the separate educational brand and set yourself apart from other advisors in your area.

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