Stop Doing Things The Hard Way

Lead generation is a vital aspect of financial advising. However, it can be challenging to scale lead generation and ensure its success. In this transcript, the speaker shares some valuable insights on what not to do when it comes to lead generation, particularly three common mistakes that advisors often make.

The first mistake that advisors make is thinking that the solution to their lead generation problems is to spend more money. While it is essential to invest in lead generation, it is not necessarily the amount of money invested that determines its success. Instead, it is about optimizing the strategy that is implemented to yield better results. Advisors should not spend more than a thousand dollars a month until they have analyzed the results and dialed in the ROI.

The second mistake that advisors often make is thinking that a new message is the key to attracting clients. The speaker explains that when advisors present a different message to the market, they are only swapping one segment of the market for another. This leads to the same problem of reinventing oneself time and time again, which can be exhausting and frustrating. Rather than focusing on a new message, advisors should focus on what they are genuinely passionate about delivering.

The third and final mistake that advisors make is thinking that a shiny new marketing tactic is the solution to all their lead generation problems. While there are many vendors who make a lot of money preying on advisors’ desperation for marketing solutions, there are no silver bullets or magic solutions. At the end of the day, it is traffic, advertising, offers, lead generation, nurture and development, and a conversion strategy that matter.

In conclusion, advisors need to avoid these common mistakes when it comes to lead generation. Rather than focusing on spending more money, a new message, or a shiny new marketing tactic, advisors should focus on optimizing their strategies to yield better results. It is about implementing a small-scale strategy, optimizing it, and then scaling it up. Advisors should focus on what they are genuinely passionate about delivering and understand that there are no magic solutions when it comes to lead generation.

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