As a financial advisor, you’re always looking for ways to generate new leads and appointments. One effective strategy that you may not have heard of is the “nine word email.” This simple yet powerful tactic was popularized by internet marketing guru Dean Jackson and can be a game-changer for advisors who have been nurturing their prospects.
The concept behind the nine word email is based on the idea that prospects become ready to engage at different times. As advisors, we don’t always know when that time is, unless we put calls to action in front of them. The email is designed to elicit a response from the prospect, indicating that they’re ready to engage in a conversation and move forward.
Here’s how it works. The subject line of the email is simply the prospect’s first name. When they open the email, it says, “Are you still looking for help with?” and then fills in the blank with the topic that they expressed interest in. For example, if Bill attended a social security seminar, the subject line would be “Bill” and the body of the email would say, “Are you still looking for help with social security planning?”
It’s important to note that you should not add anything else to this email as it will ruin it. The whole goal is to get a response, and any additional information can distract from that goal. The nine word email can also be used in text messaging, which is a powerful tool to reach prospects on their mobile devices. However, be careful not to overdo it, as you don’t want to annoy prospects with too many messages.
To run this strategy effectively, you need to have a list of prospects that you have been nurturing with valuable content, such as newsletters, emails, videos, blogs, and other forms of communication. Once a month or once a quarter, send out the nine word email to your list. You should also track your prospects based on their interests and tailor the email or text message to the topic they expressed interest in.
The nine word email strategy is an effective way to generate appointments from your existing list of prospects. By keeping it simple and focused on eliciting a response, you can identify which prospects are ready to engage and move them closer to becoming clients. Give it a try and see how it can work for your financial advisory business.