The Power of Thinking Differently

As a financial advisor, it’s critical to develop critical thinking skills to improve your decision-making process. In a lesson on thinking differently, the speaker explains the importance of problem-solving, analytical skills, and removing emotions from your decision-making. You need to shift your mindset and focus on finding solutions, rather than identifying all the ways things can go wrong.

The speaker quotes Albert Einstein, who said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that we used to create them.” This quote highlights the importance of acknowledging past mistakes and making changes to improve future decisions. It’s essential to have a greater awareness of your past thinking, the decisions you made, and the information available at the time, without judging yourself.

It’s important to realize that some past thinking has been brilliant, and it has led you to where you are in your business. However, if your profitability is suffering, some of your past thinking might not have been serving you well. In this lesson, the goal is to shift your thinking and transition to a new way of thinking.

It’s critical not to beat yourself up as you go through the program, as this can create regret and hinder your progress. Instead, see it as a learning experience, as the information you learn now can change your future. You can improve your decision-making process by shifting your mindset into everything being a learning experience. This is how you learn and grow.

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