Value In Advance Marketing

As a financial advisor, you may have been taught to identify a prospect’s pain points and agitate them until they agree to schedule an appointment with you. However, this type of selling is based on a “trust me” mentality, which is not always effective. Value in advanced selling is a different approach that can be much more powerful psychologically.

In value in advanced selling, you provide prospects with value before you ask them to become clients. For example, you might create online video courses, webinars, or seminars that educate prospects about the key milestones they need to understand in order to be successful in retirement planning. By delivering value in advance of asking for anything from prospects, you can establish trust and credibility, which can make it easier to convert them into clients.

The key to value in advanced selling is to provide prospects with specific information that will help them make better financial decisions. This might include information about investment plans, distribution strategies, social security optimization strategies, and asset replenishment or growth strategies. By teaching prospects about these topics, you can help them understand the importance of each milestone and why it is critical to their overall financial success.

When you provide value in advance, you are not simply agitating a prospect’s fears and concerns. Instead, you are giving them actionable information that they can use to improve their financial situation. This can be much more effective than simply trying to scare them into scheduling an appointment with you.

To use value in advanced selling in your practice, you should create online courses, webinars, or seminars that educate prospects about the key milestones they need to understand. You should focus on providing specific, actionable information that will help prospects make better financial decisions. 

By doing so, you can establish trust and credibility with prospects, which can make it easier to convert them into clients.

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