the next level radio online masterclass


The Next Level Marketing course and downloadable resources are available for you to work through at your own pace, when it’s convenient for YOU!


Each downloadable resource, tool, and template is available to accelerate your results and help you implement quickly the things you’ll learn. 


Get your specific questions answered as you go by posting them inside the course chat. We will personally respond to all of your questions as you go!

what you're going to get

Run Time: 48 Minutes

the marketing strategy

  • Before you can scale leads and appointments, or even consider spending more money on marketing, you first must understand how marketing actually works.  
  •  What truly motivates women to action?  How do you ensure the leads you generate are qualified?  How will you develop those leads and convert them into seminar attendees and appointments?  
And how will you do all of this , so you aren’t throwing thousands of dollars into the marketing abyss.  In this lesson you’ll be armed with the marketing knowledge you need to of the marketing in your business, and fill your women’s seminars!

the women's seminar

You’re run seminars for years… but Women’s seminars are completely different.  You cannot simply change the title on your mailer, fill the room with women and expect results.

In this module I we will go deep into the 12 Step Women’s Seminar framework and give you the tools and insights you need to connect with our female attendees in a more authentic and impactful way.  You’ll learn how to create a safe and supportive environment, build trust, and deliver valuable content that resonates with women’s unique financial needs and goals.  By the end of this lesson you’ll be equipped to run seminars that inspire the women you serve.

Run Time: 34 Minutes

Run Time: 50 Minutes

the women friendly appointment process

You understand the importance of building trust and credibility with your clients, and in this lesson you will learn Arwen’s four-part appointment process designed specifically for female prospects. Unlike the traditional appointment process , the psychological approach to appointments with women is different, and this lesson will give you the tools you need to connect with your female prospects on a deeper level. You’ll learn how to establish instant rapport and trust, understand their unique financial goals and challenges, and deliver tailored solutions that address their needs. By the end of this lesson, you’ll be equipped to build strong and lasting relationships with your female clients, setting the foundation for long-term success and better serve the women in your community!

maximizing seminar roi

In this lesson, you will learn Arwen’s 20-point seminar optimization blueprint, designed to help you maximize your ROI with every seminar you run. From marketing and registration to attendance and appointment conversion, this blueprint will provide you with strategies to ensure that none of your seminar prospects fall through the cracks. You’ll learn how to follow up with prospects who register to ensure they show up to the seminar, follow up after to convert the maximum number of attendees into appointments, and follow up strategies to ensure they show up for their appointments! By the end of this lesson, you’ll have the tools you need to maximize the profitability of your seminars while generating a steady stream of new clients, consistently and predictably.

Run Time: 24 Minutes

you'll also get these resources

Marketing underperforming?  How do you know unless someone shows you what’s possible?  In this case study Arwen will share with you her specific numbers, comparing and contrasting the differences between traditional seminars and women’s only seminars.

Arwen’s four meeting appointment process outline is the guide you need to help you establish instant trust and connection with your female prospects.   Learn to educate them in a way that makes them feel comfortable opening up and  doing business with you.

If you are converting less than 60% appointments at your seminars, it’s likely due to your close and or lack of follow up.  The 20 point seminar conversion blueprint will give you a downloadable checklist to help you maximize appointments at every step of the process! 

can you relate?

From Arwen Becker

Fort Collins, WA

If you’re frustrated with the lack of results from your marketing, you’re not alone.

Have you ever said this…

“I’m REALLY good once I get in front of a prospect… If I could just find a way to keep my calendar full of appointments, I’d have already hit all of my business goals!”

If so, you’re not alone.  And it’s not your fault either.

There is so much bad marketing advice circulating in the industry, most of it taught be vendors and wholesalers who have never been advisors themselves…


No wonder you’re so confused and frustrated!


I was right there with you…

We were sick of competing with dozens of other advisors in our market, all pushing the same Social Security and Tax dinner seminars.

And on top of it all, we had some of the WORST direct mail response in the country… .2% (Not 2%… POINT 2%)

In 2011 my husband Randy and I hit our lowest point…

We found ourselves $678,000 in debt with our family home being foreclosed on.

On top of the financial stress, the pressure of having to solve for how to get in front of qualified prospects was more than I could take.  It got so bad I found myself in the ER, thinking I was having a heart attack.  It turned out I was suffering from debilitating stress.

Something had to change.

In 2011 Randy and I came to the conclusion that business as usual was never going to get us where we wanted to be.  We decided that I would take over seminars (even though I had never given one.

We decided to look for a market to serve that:

    1. – Was underserved (No more competing with all the other advisors in our market)
    2. – Had the assets to qualify as ideal clients
    3. – Wanted and truly needed our help

After much research we landed on the Women’s market.

I ran my first women’s seminar in 2017…

… and bombed!  (I literally only booked 3 appointments)

But I didn’t quit, and by the end of 2017 our firm broke $1 Million in revenue for the first time in our 17 year history!

By 2018 women’s seminars had become 80% of our marketing, and within 2 years, our revenue DOUBLED!

Not only that, but our PROFIT margin skyrocketed, from 29% to 52%!

In 2019 I generated 419 first appointments from my seminars alone…

… And by 2021, our revenue reached $3.2 Million!

But here’s the REALLY exciting news…

While the women’s market is one of the fastest growing markets, with women set to inherit and control over $20 Trillion dollars over the next 15-20 years, it remains one of the most underserved “niches” in the country!

And NO, you don’t have to be a woman to be successful working with women!

In fact, the 5 sub advisors we hired were all men, and all of them have been incredibly successful working with women (after I taught them what I’m going to teach you in this MasterClass.)

There Are 4 Things You Must Learn to Thrive in This Market:

  1. 1) The Marketing
  2. 2) The Presentation Framework: Women do not buy on logic, but I’ll show you the 12 step seminar framework that establishes trust and engages
    3) The Sales Process: women emotionally (which is how we all make decisions)
  3. 4) The Systems to Maximize ROI and Scale

I’m going to share all of them with you in this Masterclass!

But here’s more good news for you…

Unlike Me When I Started:

  • – You’re already a great seminar presenter, I’m guessing you’ve been doing seminars for years
  • – You’re already great when you get a prospect into the appointment process, (I had to learn that from scratch when I started)
  • – You have years of industry and planning knowledge 

You just need to be given the keys to unlock the potential of this “niche” in your market!

Why is that good news?  

Because you can quickly learn the presentation, processes, and frameworks, that have taken me years to refine and perfect.  All you have to do is install them into your business!

Now, why am I offering this training?  

Fair question… I’m doing it because helping women thrive financially is my passion, and my mission.  So before you enroll in this training, please understand,  I care deeply about each and every woman we serve.  But I cannot possibly help all of the women looking for help.  

That’s where you come in : )

That said, here’s all I ask of you before I share this information with you…

Requirements to Enroll:

1) You must truly care about the women you serve, and have a heart to help them

2) You must not use what I share with you to manipulate or take advantage of women

3) You must put the client’s needs first and always do what is best for them

Sound fair enough?

Great!  Then click below to get enrolled and I look forward to seeing you in the class!



you'll also get these free bonus courses!


Is Next Level Advisors an IMO / FMO / Broker Dealer or RIA?

Nope!  Our business model operates strictly on monthly subscription revenue.  This allows the greatest number of advisors to benefit from the training our Mentors provide, without worrying about being hassled to move your contracts or affiliations.

Will I Ever Be Asked to Move My Contracts?

No!  We will NEVER ask you to move contracts, for any reason.

How Many Courses Will I Have Access To?

All of them!  We currently provide 10 different Masterclasses taught by 13 different Mentors. Each of whom specialize in and have mastered the specific business development strategies they teach.

How Does Next Level Select It's Mentors?

Each of our Mentors are 7 figure earners who have perfected specialized approaches to growing their businesses.  Each Mentor must meet strict qualification criteria, have a strong commitment to excellence and a desire to see ALL advisors succeed. 

Will You Add Additional Courses / Mentors in the Future?

You bet!  In fact, we have several in the works as we speak!  And you will have access to all of them!

Just $997... That's It?

Yup, that’s it!  Just a single investment of $997 unlocks; 40+ hours of in-depth training, growth templates, downloadable scripts and more!


Yes!  We Are Guaranteeing You Will LOVE The Next Level Markets Masterclass.

Look, you don’t have time or money to waste… I get it.

The sad reality is our industry is full of hype, and vendors who promise the world… and don’t deliver anything but disappointment.

We’re advisors, so we get it.

But we created Next Level Advisors to change all of that…

Next Level Advisors is the only place you can get real training and mentorship from actual 7 figure advisors, and true industry experts without being hassled to move your contracts.

So take the leap, enroll today and move your business forward.  If you are not 100% thrilled with the training we deliver, just pop me an email and let me know, and we’ll refund your investment no questions asked.  Sound fair enough? 

Next Level Advisors Membership: $197/month

Your subscription will renew each month on the 2nd.

Total billed today: $197/mo

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