Paul Spurlock

Teaches Psychology based selling

Next Level Selling

I actually own and operate my own 7-figure virtual practice. I have been 100% virtual since 2007! And, I’m going to share with you the virtual sales best practices I’ve learned (the hard way over) the past 20 years.

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Run Time: 40 Minutes

Run Time: 40 Minutes

Run Time: 46 Minutes

Run Time: 37 Minutes



Virtual Practice

The truth behind what it takes to run a successful virtual practice… and why most advisors fail.



The number 1 reason your marketing “isn’t working”, and what you need to change to fix it.


Online Sales

The Next Level Selling™ client acquisition strategy – a step by step framework for attracting clients online.


Lead Generation

The perfect Facebook ad and landing page – essential elements if you want to scale leads.


course Description:

Ever get tired of hearing… “Let us think about it”, or “You’ve given us a lot to think about, let us get back to you”, only to never hear from prospects again? For most advisors, getting in front of qualified prospects is only half the battle, closing them is the other.

If you are closing at or below the industry average 20% of the prospects you meet with, there is something missing from your sales process. If you want to learn what it takes to increase your closing ratio to 60% and above, this course is for you!

1 The 3 Major Shifts in Consumer Psychology That Are Occurring in Our Industry and Making it Harder to Close Business.
2 A Step By Step Process to Attract Qualified Prospects, Generate Leads, and Convert Them into Appointments (In Person or Virtual)
3 The Targeting Elements You Need to Implement in Your Marketing to Ensure You Attract QUALIFIED Prospects… (After All, You Can’t Close Them if They Aren’t Qualified to Begin With)
4 Advanced Positioning and Psychological Selling – How to Maintain Control of the Sales Process and Increase the Prospects Desire to Work With YOU Above Anyone Else

Paul Spurlock


Paul D. Spurlock is one of the country’s leading experts at running a highly efficient, 100% virtual/remote financial planning practice. In 2007, Paul made the decision to transition his personal practice online and began offering his services to a national clientele. After a few early years of extreme struggle and frustration, he cracked the code for closing large cases over the phone/internet, and in 2009 broke 7 figures for the first time.

Paul’s average case size is $896,000 in assets, his largest annuity case from a single internet planning transaction was $4.5 million and his largest production month overall was just over $7.5 million… all done completely virtual through the phone and internet. Paul’s passion is sharing his sales approach, planning strategies, and virtual financial advisory practice model with other financial professionals.


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“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error voluptatem accusaium doloremque laudantium, totam rem eaque iapsa quae beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.”


MDS Manufacturing

“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error voluptatem accusaium doloremque laudantium, totam rem eaque iapsa quae beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.”


MDS Manufacturing

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